Curriculum Vitae - Cecile E. Naylor, Ph.D.
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NAME: Cecile Edith Naylor, Ph.D.
CURRENT POSITION: Neuropsychologist
Triad Neuropsychological Services, PLLC
SERVICE ADDRESS: 1281 W 4th St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
MAILING ADDRESS: 5032 Meadow Hill Ct, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
BUSINESS PHONE: Telephone: (336) 464-7032 Fax: (336) 922-3206
1971-1975 Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Bachelor of Arts - Magna Cum Laude
Major: Psychology
Minor: French
1975-1978 Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Master of Arts
Thesis: The Use of Response Time in Examining Brain Damaged Patients
Frank B. Wood, Ph.D., Advisor
1982-1987 University of North Carolina
Greensboro, North Carolina
Doctor of Philosophy
Dissertation: Event-Related Potentials and Behavioral Assessment: A 20 Year Follow-Up of Adults who were diagnosed as Reading Disabled in Childhood
M. Russell Harter, Ph.D., Advisor
1975-1977 Teaching Assistant
Research Methods in Psychology (Undergraduate Course)
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1977-1978 Instructor
Introductory Psychology
Bishop McGuinness High School
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1983-1984 Research Assistant
Electrophysiology Lab
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina
1978-1987 Neuropsychologist
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1990 Visiting Instructor
Introductory Psychology
Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1987-1990 Research Instructor, Department of Neurology
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1990-1994 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1995-1996 Adjunct Professor
Psychological Assessment
High Point University
Madison Park Campus
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1994-2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2010-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Neurology
Director, Section of Neuropsychology
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2012- present Founder and owner
Triad Neuropsychological Services, PLLC
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Dr. Naylor served on various medical school committees in development of the Rehabilitation Program, both inpatient and outpatient, including but not limited to obtaining CARF accreditation. She regularly participated in medical student Standardized Patient Assessment evaluations.
2009-2012 Dr. Naylor taught a Neurology resident class that met monthly to quarterly, depending on need, and addressed program and work efficiency.
December 2011 - May 2012 Dr. Naylor supervised 7 school psychologists from 4 surrounding counties who are being certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
September 2014 - February 2015 Dr. Naylor supervised 6 psychologists from 4 surrounding counties who are being certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
December 2018 – December 2019 Dr. Naylor supervised 7 school psychologists from 2 surrounding counties who are being certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
August 2020 – May 2021 Dr. Naylor supervised 11 school psychologists from 4 surrounding counties who are being certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
October 2021 – May 2022 Dr. Naylor supervised 4 school psychologists from a nearby county who are seeking to be certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
National Academy of Neuropsychology
American Psychological Association
1971-1975 Wake Forest University
Phi Beta Kappa
Major interests include the evaluation and treatment of acquired brain injury, learning disability, attention deficit disorder, or other neurological illnesses. Her specialization is in remediation of cognitive deficits, particularly deficits in attention, executive functioning, memory, and processing problems. She also has a long history of research and clinical service delivery in the areas of learning disability and attentional disorders, for both children and adult. In addition to clinical service delivery, she has participated in clinical trials originating from a variety of medical school departments to determine efficacy of pharmacologic and surgical treatment of a wide array of disorders that affect higher cortical functioning and require neuropsychological assessment for quantification. Research interests have included functional imaging of learning disability and mild TBI, investigating neurophysiological and behavioral correlates of the disorders.
Participation in the following Clinical Trials providing Neuropsychological Assessment:
RECON: Randomized Evaluation of Carotid Occlusion and Neurocognition
Protocol Number 5R01NS048212-02, BG05-473
Joanne Festa, Ph.D., Co-Investigator & Randolph S Marshall, M.D., Co-Investigator
John Wilson, M.D., on site PI
NEAD: Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs – Amendment #3R
Protocol Number 1 RO1 NS38455-01A2
Medical College of Georgia
MEDTOX Laboratories
Kimford J. Meador, M.D., Principal Investigator
Maria Sam, M.D., Director of Clinical Center
SPS3: Secondary Prevention of Subcortical Strokes
Protocol Number R01NS38529; CRC
David Lefkowitz, M.D.
Phase 2 Safety and Efficacy Study Evaluating GAD Gene Transfer to the Subthalamic Nuclei in Subjects with Advanced Parkinson's Disease (GAD2)
Mustafa Siddiqui, 7/16/2008
Neuropace: Responsive Neurostimulator System Pivotal Clinical Investigation (RNS System Pivotal – A Clinical Investigation)
Sponsor: Neuropace, Inc. Human Protocol: IRB00000054
William Bell, 2006-2012.
ABOVE Study/Berlex Protocol 307245: A Randomized, Rater-blinded, Multicenter, Parallel-group Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Betaseron 250 Subcutaneoulsy Every Other Day with Avonex 30 Intramuscularly Once per Week in Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients Previously Treated with Avonex
Douglas, Jeffery, 2004-2005.
ACOSOG Z0300: A Phase III Randomized Trial of the Role of While Brain Radiation Therapy in Addition to Radiosurgery in the Management of Patients with One to Three Cerebral Metastases – Amendment #2
Human Protocol: BG02-429
Anthony Asher, M.D., Study Chair
Edward A. Levine, M.D., Group Leader
Cognitive Function After Aneurysm Surgery Trial (CFAAST)
Dr. John Wilson, 2003.
Intraoperative Hypothermia for Aneurysm Surgery Trial (IHAST)
Dr. John Wilson, 2001.
Other past grant involvement:
N01-AG-1-2106 Co-STAR/RFPL, 2008-2009. Funded writing group for Co-Star analysis of data as part of the Woman’s Health Initiative.
Co-investigator of Project IV, PO1-HD-21887, NICHHD, 1993 to 1998. Neurobehavioral Definition and Subtyping of Dyslexia.
Practicing Psychologist
North Carolina State Board of Examiners of Practicing Psychologists - #1450
Licensed Health Care Provider, State of North Carolina
Chapters in Books:
Naylor C, Felton R, Wood F. Adult outcome in developmental dyslexia. In: Pavlidis G, ed. Perspectives on dyslexia: cognition, language and treatment. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons 1990;2:213-229.
Naylor C, Wood F, Flowers L. Physiological correlates of reading disability. In: Pavlidis G, ed. Perspectives on dyslexia: neurology, neuropsychology, and genetics. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons 1990;1:141-162.
Wood F, Flowers DL, Naylor C. Cerebral laterality in functional neuroimaging. In: Kitterle F, ed. Cerebral laterality theory and research: The Toledo Symposium. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers 1990;103-116.
Wood FB, Felton RH, Flowers DL, Naylor CE. Neurobehavioral definition of dyslexia. In: Duane DD, Gray DB, eds. The Reading Brain. Parkton, Maryland: York Press 1991;1:1-25.
Journal Articles:
Best DL, Naylor CE, Williams JE. Extension of color bias to young French and Italian children. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology 1975;6:390-405.
Felton R, Naylor C, Wood F. Neuropsychological profile of adult dyslexics. Brain and Language 1990;39:485-497.
Flowers DL, Wood FB, Naylor CE. Regional cerebral blood flow correlates of language processes in reading disability. Archives of Neurology 1991;48:637-643.
Landfield PW, Applegate MD, Schmitzer-Osborne SE, Naylor CE. Phosphate/calcium alterations in the first stages of Alzheimer's disease: implications for etiology and pathogenesis. J Neurol Sci 1991;106:221-229.
Naylor CE, Wood FB, Harter MR. Event related potentials in adults diagnosed as reading disabled in childhood. Intern J Neuroscience, 1995;80:339-352.
Danhauer SC, Legault C, Bandos H, Kidwell K, Costantino J, Vaughan L, Avis NE, Rapp S, Coker LH, Naughton M, Naylor C, Terracciano A, Shumaker S. Positive and negative affect, depression, and cognitive processes in the Cognition in the Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (Co-STAR) Trial. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropscyhol Cogn 2013;20(5):532-52.
Naylor CE, Harter MR. Event-related potentials and behavioral measures of letter-meaning matching in reading disabled and normal children. J Clin Exp Neuropsych 1984;6(6).
Naylor CE, Wood FB. Lateralized memory deficits in patients with major psychopathology compared to unilateral stroke patients. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1985;11:868.
Naylor CE, Harter MR, Wood FB, Felton RH. Electrophysiological correlates of dyslexia in adults: A 20 year follow-up. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1987;13:1265.
Wood FB, Flowers DL, Naylor CE, Felton RH. Regional cerebral blood flow during orthographic task activation in adult dyslexics. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 1988;10:34.
Felton RH, Wood FB, Naylor CE. Changes in neurobehavioral phenotype from childhood to adulthood: A 24-year follow-up. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 1988;10:65.
Naylor CE, Wood FB. Sex differences in cortical activation patterns during an orthographic analysis task using rCBF methodology. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1988;14:749.
Wood FB, Naylor CE. Laterality patterns in two cognitive activation tasks using the rCBF methodology. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1988;14:750.
Naylor CE, Harter MR, Wood FB, Flowers DL, Brown JS. Cross validation of event-related potential (ERP) markers of adult dyslexia by regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Soc Neurosci Abstr 1990;16:1262.
Naylor CE, Wood FB, Flowers DL. Correlations between glucose utilization values from pet and peak amplitudes of ERP components in a normal standardization study. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1993;19:1493.
Wood FB, Naylor CE, Flowers DL. Integrative Multivariate Constructs relating components of the Visual Evoked Response, local glucose metabolism, and behavioral competence. Abstract presented at the American Electroencephalographic Society, October 1993.
Naylor CE, Wood FB, Garrett AS, Keyes JW. Male-female differences in posterior cortical pet glucose activation during a visual letter discrimination task. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1994;20:355.
Naylor CE. Cognitive rehabilitation to facilitate return to college following severe head Injury. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 1996;11:429.
Wood FB, Naylor CE, Felton RH. Regional cerebral blood flow, electrophysiological, and behavioral morbidity in the 20 year follow-up of childhood documented dyslexia. Paper presented at the Third World Congress on Dyslexia in Chania, Crete, Greece, June 1987.
Naylor CE. Physiological Markers of Adults Who Were Diagnosed as Having Specific Language Disability during Childhood. Paper presented at the North Carolina Branch of the Orton Dyslexia Society, Wilson, North Carolina, March 1990.
Naylor CE. Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment. Presentation at the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Training Institute, November 1990.
Naylor CE. Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing. Presentation for the North Carolina Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, February 1994.
Naylor CE, Ornelles R, Felton RH. Remedial reading instruction in severe left hemisphere injury. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Postgraduate Course on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Adult and Child, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 1994.
Naylor CE. Cognitive/behavioral issues. Presentation given at the Neuroscience Conference entitled “Unscrambling the Brain” sponsored by Nursing Staff Development, Winston-Salem, NC, April 1995.
Naylor CE, Spach C, Ahern CA, Brooker J. Cognitive rehabilitation in patient with alexia without agraphia. Paper presented at the Nineteenth Annual Postgraduate Course on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Adult and Child, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 1995.
Naylor CE. Malingering and assessment of validity in psychotic and neurotic disorders. Presentation at Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Salisbury, NC for staff education, August 1995.
Naylor CE, Kerr D, Ward H, Gaskins D, and Bradwell J. Cognitive Rehabilitation of Adult Acquired Brain Injury. Workshop for Northwest Area Health Education Center in Winston-Salem, NC, October1995.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment. Presentation for the North Carolina Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, August 1996.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment: Differential Diagnosis of Function versus Organic Disorders. Presentation at Broughton Hospital for staff continuing education, December 1996.
Naylor CE, Hill DF, and Miller K. Differential Response to Treatment of Frontal Dyscontrol versus Amnesic Symptoms. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Williamsburg Conference on Cognitive, Neuromedical, and Behavioral Aspects of Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 1999.
Naylor, CE. Traumatic Brain Injury. Presentation for Key Risk Case Management, May 2001.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment. Invited lecturer for one week course at University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, June 2001.
Naylor CE, Hill DF. Cognitive Rehabilitation: Illustrative Reading Cases. Presentation at the June Orton Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, June 2002.
Naylor CE. What is Neuropsychology? Presentation at BestHealth, Winston-Salem, NC, August 14, 2003.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment of ADHD and Differential Diagnosis. Presentation at workshop entitled ADHD: Developmental Assessment and Treatment Issues, March 2003.
Naylor CE. Cognitive Rehabilitation: Illustrative Cases. Presentation at Breakthroughs to Literacy, Brendle Recital Hall, WFU, Winston-Salem, September 2003.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Testing. Presentation at the Vascular Dementia Workshop, Graylyn Conference Center, Winston-Salem, NC, September 2005.
Naylor CE. Role of the Neuropsychologist. Presentation at the workshop entitled A Comprehensive Approach to Epilepsy, WFUSM, June 2006
Naylor CE. Attention! Presentation at BestHealth, Winston-Salem, NC, October 23, 2006.
Naylor CE. Memory. Presentation to Senior Adult Council, Winston-Salem, NC, March 2008.
Naylor CE. Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia. Presentation at the Brain Awareness Symposium hosted by Targecept, March 2008.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment: What do the Results Mean? Presentation at NorthwestAHEC workshop entitled Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – an Interdisciplinary Approach, August 2008.
Naylor CE. Dispelling the Dyslexia Myths. Presentation at BestHealth, Winston-Salem, NC, August 2008.
Naylor CE. Cognitive Assessment Prior to DBS Placement in Parkinson’s Disease. Presentation as part of AHEC series 3rd Annual New Horizons in Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurological Disorders, Winston-Salem, NC, December 5, 2008.
Naylor CE. Cognitive Measures in CoSTAR. Presentation at the workshop entitled Cognition and Cancer: Broadening the Dialogue, March 2009.
Naylor CE. Role of the Neuropsychologist. Presentation at the workshop entitled A Comprehensive Approach to Epilepsy, WFUSM, August 2009.
Naylor CE and Decker P. Rebuilding a Meaningful Life: The Importance of Giving. Sermon at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston Salem, October 2009.
Naylor CE. What is Neuropsychology? Presentation to MedClub at West Forsyth High School, Clemmons, NC, January 2010.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment in Rehabilitation. Presentation to PT students at WSSU, Feb 22, 2017.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment in Rehabilitation. Presentation to PT students at WSSU, Jan 11, 2018.
Ed Schicatano, WFU Neuroscience Doctoral student, 1990-91
Lesley Hart, WFU Graduate Student, early 90’s
Chuck Ahern, Doctoral intern from at UC-Berkley, 1994
Amy Garrett, WFU Neuroscience Doctoral student, 1994-5
Pamela Pepper, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, UNC-CH, mid 90’s
Lynn Bever, Doctoral intern from Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Health Sciences, Chicago, Ill., 2002-2003
Nelson Adams, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, WSSU, 2004-5
Stephen Malcolm, Master’s intern from ASU, 2007-8
Lowell Sollenberger, Doctoral intern from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2008
Linda McWhorter, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, July 2009 to May 2010
Eboni Hedgepeth, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, August 2009 to May 2010
Mae Jesneck, Doctoral intern from Union Institute and University, August 2009 to May 2010
Stephen Malcolm, Doctoral intern from Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand, 2009
Jared Cook, Master’s intern from ASU, June 2010 to August 2011
Jana Vanderslice-Barr, Doctoral intern from SUNY Albany, June 2010 to December 2010
Cassie Lindstrom, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, August 2010 to May 2012
Greg Horn, Post-ASU MA internship, January 2011 to March 2011
Charles Burgess, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, June 2011 to May 2012
Emalee Weidemann, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, August 2011 to May 2012
Abigail Hardin, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, May 2012 to October 2012
Founder of Boone Neuropsychological Outreach Clinic, 2007-2012.
President of Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem (UUFWS), 2001-2003.
Founding co-coordinator, Interfaith Youth Core and Interfaith Youth Tour, 2006-2011.
Religious Education Teacher, UUFWS from 1995 to 2013.
Various Committee Chair positions, UUFWS from 1995 to present.
Chair of the Ministerial Search Committee and Committee on Ministry, UUFWS, 2011 to 2013.
Chair of the Justice Focus Team, UUFWS, 2015 to 2016.
Volunteer with CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), 2002-2012.
Volunteer with United Way through Forsyth County Government MIS Dept, 1995-2011.
First recipient of the Jo Dawson Volunteer of the Year Award, UUFWS, 2000.
Volunteer of the Year at Downtown School of WSFCS, 2000 -1.
Volunteer for the Motsinger for Congress Campaign, 2012.
Past Board Member - Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem (UUFWS), 2020-2023
Participant in The Women’s Fund, 2010 to present.
Member of the Winston-Salem Dog Training Club, 2012 to present.
Trainer for the New Leash on Life Program at the Forsyth Correctional Center, Winston-Salem, 2017 to present.
NAME: Cecile Edith Naylor, Ph.D.
CURRENT POSITION: Neuropsychologist
Triad Neuropsychological Services, PLLC
SERVICE ADDRESS: 1281 W 4th St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
MAILING ADDRESS: 5032 Meadow Hill Ct, Winston-Salem, NC 27101
BUSINESS PHONE: Telephone: (336) 464-7032 Fax: (336) 922-3206
1971-1975 Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Bachelor of Arts - Magna Cum Laude
Major: Psychology
Minor: French
1975-1978 Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Master of Arts
Thesis: The Use of Response Time in Examining Brain Damaged Patients
Frank B. Wood, Ph.D., Advisor
1982-1987 University of North Carolina
Greensboro, North Carolina
Doctor of Philosophy
Dissertation: Event-Related Potentials and Behavioral Assessment: A 20 Year Follow-Up of Adults who were diagnosed as Reading Disabled in Childhood
M. Russell Harter, Ph.D., Advisor
1975-1977 Teaching Assistant
Research Methods in Psychology (Undergraduate Course)
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1977-1978 Instructor
Introductory Psychology
Bishop McGuinness High School
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1983-1984 Research Assistant
Electrophysiology Lab
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Greensboro, North Carolina
1978-1987 Neuropsychologist
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1990 Visiting Instructor
Introductory Psychology
Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1987-1990 Research Instructor, Department of Neurology
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1990-1994 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1995-1996 Adjunct Professor
Psychological Assessment
High Point University
Madison Park Campus
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
1994-2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2010-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Neurology
Director, Section of Neuropsychology
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
2012- present Founder and owner
Triad Neuropsychological Services, PLLC
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Dr. Naylor served on various medical school committees in development of the Rehabilitation Program, both inpatient and outpatient, including but not limited to obtaining CARF accreditation. She regularly participated in medical student Standardized Patient Assessment evaluations.
2009-2012 Dr. Naylor taught a Neurology resident class that met monthly to quarterly, depending on need, and addressed program and work efficiency.
December 2011 - May 2012 Dr. Naylor supervised 7 school psychologists from 4 surrounding counties who are being certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
September 2014 - February 2015 Dr. Naylor supervised 6 psychologists from 4 surrounding counties who are being certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
December 2018 – December 2019 Dr. Naylor supervised 7 school psychologists from 2 surrounding counties who are being certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
August 2020 – May 2021 Dr. Naylor supervised 11 school psychologists from 4 surrounding counties who are being certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
October 2021 – May 2022 Dr. Naylor supervised 4 school psychologists from a nearby county who are seeking to be certified to provide TBI services in the public school system.
National Academy of Neuropsychology
American Psychological Association
1971-1975 Wake Forest University
Phi Beta Kappa
Major interests include the evaluation and treatment of acquired brain injury, learning disability, attention deficit disorder, or other neurological illnesses. Her specialization is in remediation of cognitive deficits, particularly deficits in attention, executive functioning, memory, and processing problems. She also has a long history of research and clinical service delivery in the areas of learning disability and attentional disorders, for both children and adult. In addition to clinical service delivery, she has participated in clinical trials originating from a variety of medical school departments to determine efficacy of pharmacologic and surgical treatment of a wide array of disorders that affect higher cortical functioning and require neuropsychological assessment for quantification. Research interests have included functional imaging of learning disability and mild TBI, investigating neurophysiological and behavioral correlates of the disorders.
Participation in the following Clinical Trials providing Neuropsychological Assessment:
RECON: Randomized Evaluation of Carotid Occlusion and Neurocognition
Protocol Number 5R01NS048212-02, BG05-473
Joanne Festa, Ph.D., Co-Investigator & Randolph S Marshall, M.D., Co-Investigator
John Wilson, M.D., on site PI
NEAD: Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs – Amendment #3R
Protocol Number 1 RO1 NS38455-01A2
Medical College of Georgia
MEDTOX Laboratories
Kimford J. Meador, M.D., Principal Investigator
Maria Sam, M.D., Director of Clinical Center
SPS3: Secondary Prevention of Subcortical Strokes
Protocol Number R01NS38529; CRC
David Lefkowitz, M.D.
Phase 2 Safety and Efficacy Study Evaluating GAD Gene Transfer to the Subthalamic Nuclei in Subjects with Advanced Parkinson's Disease (GAD2)
Mustafa Siddiqui, 7/16/2008
Neuropace: Responsive Neurostimulator System Pivotal Clinical Investigation (RNS System Pivotal – A Clinical Investigation)
Sponsor: Neuropace, Inc. Human Protocol: IRB00000054
William Bell, 2006-2012.
ABOVE Study/Berlex Protocol 307245: A Randomized, Rater-blinded, Multicenter, Parallel-group Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Betaseron 250 Subcutaneoulsy Every Other Day with Avonex 30 Intramuscularly Once per Week in Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients Previously Treated with Avonex
Douglas, Jeffery, 2004-2005.
ACOSOG Z0300: A Phase III Randomized Trial of the Role of While Brain Radiation Therapy in Addition to Radiosurgery in the Management of Patients with One to Three Cerebral Metastases – Amendment #2
Human Protocol: BG02-429
Anthony Asher, M.D., Study Chair
Edward A. Levine, M.D., Group Leader
Cognitive Function After Aneurysm Surgery Trial (CFAAST)
Dr. John Wilson, 2003.
Intraoperative Hypothermia for Aneurysm Surgery Trial (IHAST)
Dr. John Wilson, 2001.
Other past grant involvement:
N01-AG-1-2106 Co-STAR/RFPL, 2008-2009. Funded writing group for Co-Star analysis of data as part of the Woman’s Health Initiative.
Co-investigator of Project IV, PO1-HD-21887, NICHHD, 1993 to 1998. Neurobehavioral Definition and Subtyping of Dyslexia.
Practicing Psychologist
North Carolina State Board of Examiners of Practicing Psychologists - #1450
Licensed Health Care Provider, State of North Carolina
Chapters in Books:
Naylor C, Felton R, Wood F. Adult outcome in developmental dyslexia. In: Pavlidis G, ed. Perspectives on dyslexia: cognition, language and treatment. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons 1990;2:213-229.
Naylor C, Wood F, Flowers L. Physiological correlates of reading disability. In: Pavlidis G, ed. Perspectives on dyslexia: neurology, neuropsychology, and genetics. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons 1990;1:141-162.
Wood F, Flowers DL, Naylor C. Cerebral laterality in functional neuroimaging. In: Kitterle F, ed. Cerebral laterality theory and research: The Toledo Symposium. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers 1990;103-116.
Wood FB, Felton RH, Flowers DL, Naylor CE. Neurobehavioral definition of dyslexia. In: Duane DD, Gray DB, eds. The Reading Brain. Parkton, Maryland: York Press 1991;1:1-25.
Journal Articles:
Best DL, Naylor CE, Williams JE. Extension of color bias to young French and Italian children. Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology 1975;6:390-405.
Felton R, Naylor C, Wood F. Neuropsychological profile of adult dyslexics. Brain and Language 1990;39:485-497.
Flowers DL, Wood FB, Naylor CE. Regional cerebral blood flow correlates of language processes in reading disability. Archives of Neurology 1991;48:637-643.
Landfield PW, Applegate MD, Schmitzer-Osborne SE, Naylor CE. Phosphate/calcium alterations in the first stages of Alzheimer's disease: implications for etiology and pathogenesis. J Neurol Sci 1991;106:221-229.
Naylor CE, Wood FB, Harter MR. Event related potentials in adults diagnosed as reading disabled in childhood. Intern J Neuroscience, 1995;80:339-352.
Danhauer SC, Legault C, Bandos H, Kidwell K, Costantino J, Vaughan L, Avis NE, Rapp S, Coker LH, Naughton M, Naylor C, Terracciano A, Shumaker S. Positive and negative affect, depression, and cognitive processes in the Cognition in the Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (Co-STAR) Trial. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropscyhol Cogn 2013;20(5):532-52.
Naylor CE, Harter MR. Event-related potentials and behavioral measures of letter-meaning matching in reading disabled and normal children. J Clin Exp Neuropsych 1984;6(6).
Naylor CE, Wood FB. Lateralized memory deficits in patients with major psychopathology compared to unilateral stroke patients. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1985;11:868.
Naylor CE, Harter MR, Wood FB, Felton RH. Electrophysiological correlates of dyslexia in adults: A 20 year follow-up. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1987;13:1265.
Wood FB, Flowers DL, Naylor CE, Felton RH. Regional cerebral blood flow during orthographic task activation in adult dyslexics. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 1988;10:34.
Felton RH, Wood FB, Naylor CE. Changes in neurobehavioral phenotype from childhood to adulthood: A 24-year follow-up. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 1988;10:65.
Naylor CE, Wood FB. Sex differences in cortical activation patterns during an orthographic analysis task using rCBF methodology. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1988;14:749.
Wood FB, Naylor CE. Laterality patterns in two cognitive activation tasks using the rCBF methodology. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1988;14:750.
Naylor CE, Harter MR, Wood FB, Flowers DL, Brown JS. Cross validation of event-related potential (ERP) markers of adult dyslexia by regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Soc Neurosci Abstr 1990;16:1262.
Naylor CE, Wood FB, Flowers DL. Correlations between glucose utilization values from pet and peak amplitudes of ERP components in a normal standardization study. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1993;19:1493.
Wood FB, Naylor CE, Flowers DL. Integrative Multivariate Constructs relating components of the Visual Evoked Response, local glucose metabolism, and behavioral competence. Abstract presented at the American Electroencephalographic Society, October 1993.
Naylor CE, Wood FB, Garrett AS, Keyes JW. Male-female differences in posterior cortical pet glucose activation during a visual letter discrimination task. Soc Neurosci Abstr 1994;20:355.
Naylor CE. Cognitive rehabilitation to facilitate return to college following severe head Injury. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 1996;11:429.
Wood FB, Naylor CE, Felton RH. Regional cerebral blood flow, electrophysiological, and behavioral morbidity in the 20 year follow-up of childhood documented dyslexia. Paper presented at the Third World Congress on Dyslexia in Chania, Crete, Greece, June 1987.
Naylor CE. Physiological Markers of Adults Who Were Diagnosed as Having Specific Language Disability during Childhood. Paper presented at the North Carolina Branch of the Orton Dyslexia Society, Wilson, North Carolina, March 1990.
Naylor CE. Psychological and Neuropsychological Assessment. Presentation at the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Training Institute, November 1990.
Naylor CE. Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing. Presentation for the North Carolina Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, February 1994.
Naylor CE, Ornelles R, Felton RH. Remedial reading instruction in severe left hemisphere injury. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Postgraduate Course on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Adult and Child, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 1994.
Naylor CE. Cognitive/behavioral issues. Presentation given at the Neuroscience Conference entitled “Unscrambling the Brain” sponsored by Nursing Staff Development, Winston-Salem, NC, April 1995.
Naylor CE, Spach C, Ahern CA, Brooker J. Cognitive rehabilitation in patient with alexia without agraphia. Paper presented at the Nineteenth Annual Postgraduate Course on Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured Adult and Child, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 1995.
Naylor CE. Malingering and assessment of validity in psychotic and neurotic disorders. Presentation at Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Salisbury, NC for staff education, August 1995.
Naylor CE, Kerr D, Ward H, Gaskins D, and Bradwell J. Cognitive Rehabilitation of Adult Acquired Brain Injury. Workshop for Northwest Area Health Education Center in Winston-Salem, NC, October1995.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment. Presentation for the North Carolina Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, August 1996.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment: Differential Diagnosis of Function versus Organic Disorders. Presentation at Broughton Hospital for staff continuing education, December 1996.
Naylor CE, Hill DF, and Miller K. Differential Response to Treatment of Frontal Dyscontrol versus Amnesic Symptoms. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Williamsburg Conference on Cognitive, Neuromedical, and Behavioral Aspects of Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 1999.
Naylor, CE. Traumatic Brain Injury. Presentation for Key Risk Case Management, May 2001.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment. Invited lecturer for one week course at University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, June 2001.
Naylor CE, Hill DF. Cognitive Rehabilitation: Illustrative Reading Cases. Presentation at the June Orton Conference, Winston-Salem, NC, June 2002.
Naylor CE. What is Neuropsychology? Presentation at BestHealth, Winston-Salem, NC, August 14, 2003.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment of ADHD and Differential Diagnosis. Presentation at workshop entitled ADHD: Developmental Assessment and Treatment Issues, March 2003.
Naylor CE. Cognitive Rehabilitation: Illustrative Cases. Presentation at Breakthroughs to Literacy, Brendle Recital Hall, WFU, Winston-Salem, September 2003.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Testing. Presentation at the Vascular Dementia Workshop, Graylyn Conference Center, Winston-Salem, NC, September 2005.
Naylor CE. Role of the Neuropsychologist. Presentation at the workshop entitled A Comprehensive Approach to Epilepsy, WFUSM, June 2006
Naylor CE. Attention! Presentation at BestHealth, Winston-Salem, NC, October 23, 2006.
Naylor CE. Memory. Presentation to Senior Adult Council, Winston-Salem, NC, March 2008.
Naylor CE. Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia. Presentation at the Brain Awareness Symposium hosted by Targecept, March 2008.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment: What do the Results Mean? Presentation at NorthwestAHEC workshop entitled Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – an Interdisciplinary Approach, August 2008.
Naylor CE. Dispelling the Dyslexia Myths. Presentation at BestHealth, Winston-Salem, NC, August 2008.
Naylor CE. Cognitive Assessment Prior to DBS Placement in Parkinson’s Disease. Presentation as part of AHEC series 3rd Annual New Horizons in Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurological Disorders, Winston-Salem, NC, December 5, 2008.
Naylor CE. Cognitive Measures in CoSTAR. Presentation at the workshop entitled Cognition and Cancer: Broadening the Dialogue, March 2009.
Naylor CE. Role of the Neuropsychologist. Presentation at the workshop entitled A Comprehensive Approach to Epilepsy, WFUSM, August 2009.
Naylor CE and Decker P. Rebuilding a Meaningful Life: The Importance of Giving. Sermon at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston Salem, October 2009.
Naylor CE. What is Neuropsychology? Presentation to MedClub at West Forsyth High School, Clemmons, NC, January 2010.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment in Rehabilitation. Presentation to PT students at WSSU, Feb 22, 2017.
Naylor CE. Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment in Rehabilitation. Presentation to PT students at WSSU, Jan 11, 2018.
Ed Schicatano, WFU Neuroscience Doctoral student, 1990-91
Lesley Hart, WFU Graduate Student, early 90’s
Chuck Ahern, Doctoral intern from at UC-Berkley, 1994
Amy Garrett, WFU Neuroscience Doctoral student, 1994-5
Pamela Pepper, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, UNC-CH, mid 90’s
Lynn Bever, Doctoral intern from Rosalind Franklin Univ. of Health Sciences, Chicago, Ill., 2002-2003
Nelson Adams, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, WSSU, 2004-5
Stephen Malcolm, Master’s intern from ASU, 2007-8
Lowell Sollenberger, Doctoral intern from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2008
Linda McWhorter, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, July 2009 to May 2010
Eboni Hedgepeth, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, August 2009 to May 2010
Mae Jesneck, Doctoral intern from Union Institute and University, August 2009 to May 2010
Stephen Malcolm, Doctoral intern from Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand, 2009
Jared Cook, Master’s intern from ASU, June 2010 to August 2011
Jana Vanderslice-Barr, Doctoral intern from SUNY Albany, June 2010 to December 2010
Cassie Lindstrom, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, August 2010 to May 2012
Greg Horn, Post-ASU MA internship, January 2011 to March 2011
Charles Burgess, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, June 2011 to May 2012
Emalee Weidemann, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, August 2011 to May 2012
Abigail Hardin, Doctoral intern from UNC-C, May 2012 to October 2012
Founder of Boone Neuropsychological Outreach Clinic, 2007-2012.
President of Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem (UUFWS), 2001-2003.
Founding co-coordinator, Interfaith Youth Core and Interfaith Youth Tour, 2006-2011.
Religious Education Teacher, UUFWS from 1995 to 2013.
Various Committee Chair positions, UUFWS from 1995 to present.
Chair of the Ministerial Search Committee and Committee on Ministry, UUFWS, 2011 to 2013.
Chair of the Justice Focus Team, UUFWS, 2015 to 2016.
Volunteer with CHANGE (Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment), 2002-2012.
Volunteer with United Way through Forsyth County Government MIS Dept, 1995-2011.
First recipient of the Jo Dawson Volunteer of the Year Award, UUFWS, 2000.
Volunteer of the Year at Downtown School of WSFCS, 2000 -1.
Volunteer for the Motsinger for Congress Campaign, 2012.
Past Board Member - Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem (UUFWS), 2020-2023
Participant in The Women’s Fund, 2010 to present.
Member of the Winston-Salem Dog Training Club, 2012 to present.
Trainer for the New Leash on Life Program at the Forsyth Correctional Center, Winston-Salem, 2017 to present.